Hydro International Launches Watertight Pollution Containment Valve

The industry’s only completely watertight pollution containment valve, the Hydro-Brake® Isolator, is now available from Hydro International, supported by a full design, commissioning and maintenance service.

Nationwide, there are already more than 150 installations of this valve design installed in the UK, helping facility owners prevent damaging surface water pollution incidents.

The Hydro-Brake® Isolator is a watertight and failsafe valve for pollution, flood water or spill containment that can aid compliance with UK environmental protection regulations, according to the CIRIA 736 industry standard guidance.

Pollution containment is critical for sites operating under the Control of Major Accidents and Hazards (COMAH) 2015 or Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations (EPR) 2010.  It should also be integral to any compliant Environmental Management System (EMS) – or for those companies working to IS0 14001.

Often penstock valves are wrongly considered as an acceptable containment solution, but it’s important for any organisation at risk of a pollution, flood or fire water incident to understand that a penstock is first and foremost a flow control device and therefore is not designed to be 100% leak proof and watertight when containing low pressure gravity flows.

To be sure to avoid a pollution incident, and potential prosecution, it’s advisable to fit a watertight valve, as well to ensure the correct sizing and location of the valve in the drainage system, fitted and maintained by a specialist.  Hydro International offers the complete package.

The Hydro-Brake® Isolator drop seal valve can be retrofitted or installed on new developments.  It protects receiving watercourses by blocking the release of flood water, polluted or fire fighting water from a site’s storm drains. The Hydro-Brake® Isolator  valve’s mechanically-locking failsafe design ensures the valve remains fully closed and sealed once activated until it is safely unlocked by an operator. Manufactured from stainless steel, it is factory pressure tested to ensure zero leakage to up to 0.5 bar pressure.

The valve can be closed remotely by means of bi-directional radio control or cloud-based communications systems.  It can also be activated automatically via a site’s fire alarm or Building Management System.  Operated by a pneumatic power source, the valve is safe to use in a confined space or explosive atmosphere.

The Hydro-Brake® Isolator is available either gulley or chamber-mounted to fit a range of standard pipe sizes and a site’s existing stormwater drainage systems.  It is normally positioned close to the drainage outlet to a watercourse, but can also be fitted at the inlet to the site to help protect against flooding of the on-site drainage network.

Hydro International can advise on the correct location and sizing, installation on site and commissioning.  Regular servicing ensures systems stay operational at all times.   Hydro International’s hydraulic modelling and flood risk service is also available to demonstrate the full performance of a site’s overall water pollution management provision.

For more information, please contact 01275 878371 or email enquiries@hydro-int.com.


Hydro-Brake Isolator drop seal valve

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