History and operating philosophy: 

Tower Aerospace Inc. began operations in Canada 45 years ago; servicing National and International Markets, providing Private, Commercial , Corporate, Government and Military Aircraft Support; based on Commercial and National Emergency Response  to provide a best-in-class hassle free direct delivery service to the customer. Success in 1986 being the only heavy jet approved support operator in Canada and providing National Military approved support as well the Company grew into manufacturing of our own airborne products.

The objective was and is to this day, to provide the best researched and verified quality assurance support operation and to offer an elevated level of secured, mission specific service to various National and International customers. Aircraft on the Ground cost incredible amounts of stagnant debt, immediate cash flow impact and become a dead weight to the operator. The only answer is solid proven support. Failure to deliver certified components to immediately go on the aircraft to ensure immediate certified flight authorization, failure to achieve that critical search, find, inspect and delivery process along  with “critical approved documentation” in this regard failure is not an option. Operators must fly, stagnant options are not an option.   

Quality Assurance:

Today  the Company has reached equivalency to world senior levels of quality assurance meeting FAA, Transport Canada, EASA and other International local state and provincial airborne rules and regulations. Quality Assurance is a main rail in the operations of the Company. always safety-first policy. The privilege has been ours at maintaining an ongoing progressive  level of safety qualification at the highest world standards of airworthiness.


In 1987 Tower Aerospace advanced into Auxiliary Fuel Systems, Emergency Response Support and Advanced Wildfire Technology and advanced water delivery systems for Helicopters and Fixed Wing Aircraft.

In addition, the Tower engineering division manufactured, extensively test flew and certified advanced wildfire airborne water bombing equipment for the Bell and MD line of Helicopters.

After 37 years of creative manufacturing airborne certified equipment including extensive  research and development and intensive long term flight testing of our advanced products, our systems have been sold and distributed to many Countries demonstrating long term operations with limited down time.

With certified modifications they are multipurpose capable and can be interfaced with several world Helicopter types and large “specific service providing” operations such as Hydro Support Operations in the wild. Notwithstanding Wildfire Initial Attack Support. Today wildfires are a proven disastrous threat across the world. Tower Aerospace has over forty years of experience in firsthand advanced materials product design  on wildfire advanced products including  stress testing, testing new material manufacturing and certification of installed airborne equipment. Failure is not an option.

 World Distribution – Emergency Response:

Over the 45 years Tower Aerospace has made its mark across Canada and Internationally in Emergency Response Distribution with our products and Support Services, serving Military, Commercial, Government, State, Provincial Airborne Operators with Emergency Response research and delivery of urgently required  support certified products. Tower specializes in research and delivery of engineering with full quality control  traceability and verification of all products and services sold and successfully delivered. We go to extensive lengths with no barriers to verify and trace to OEM, verifying and proving authenticity of every shipment passing through our doors. Our database and research libraries are extensive, and traceability is as precise as possible, each time addressing each shipment. Delays and inappropriate or missing documents are not an option.

Constantly our staff Confirm Mandatory Product Safety processing to ensure the safety of the Aircraft, Crew, Passengers, and Valuable Loads. Since the beginning of the Company, traceability and confirmation of product truly have been our hallmark. The same philosophy applies to our company support products and services. Technical, precise engineering reports, including various provable product test reports and in some isolated cases, confirming “claimed authentic scientific test reports” Availability of the above scientific verification is subject to security issues surrounding product development, regulatory certified documentation, and proprietary ownership “classified or restricted category information.”  

Company Ownership: Working Policy:

Tower Aerospace  is privately owned and operated, always paying strict attention to the future of the industry. Every airborne environment has its own specific methods of operations. Tower staff are trained to respect,  always respond, support and blend with that individual and unique environment in total harmony. The total working environment brought forward by our customers is paramount to success. We blend our support as a working arm of the customer. The future for Tower Aerospace and its affiliates is harbored in the mutual and agreed relations with our customers. Ethical behavior, honesty in open discussion and intent is paramount. The Company has earned the respect and security clearances in several Countries. Tower Aerospace is a Male/Female and Veteran owned and operated Company. Most of our staff and Principles were chosen for their expertise and understanding of “flight” as Certified, qualified Pilots and Engineering history. Wherever and whenever possible we do what we say and mean. Failure is not an option. Staff are articulate and precise in daily operations. What goes up must safely come down.

Company growth and expansion: secured communication:

The Company is open to investor enquiries regarding  partnering, possible ongoing  ownership and eventual takeover:

Further information can be requested from Senior Owners. Contact Tower Aerospace: direct all communication to the President – S.G. McLeod – Founder. You will receive a secure response as soon as possible. Please mark all enquiries “Confidential.” With total respect, all response will be in “Private Confidential Mode”  and Tower staff will respect it as our own privacy,

Potential Growth Opportunities:

Tower Aerospace and its affiliates have a long and respected firsthand business case and international mindset supporting all aspects of the Aviation and Aerospace Industries. Over the past forty-five years all the groundwork has been laid and paid for to establish the Tower Name worldwide. Notwithstanding learning all the hard lessons in creating and building a multi-purpose organization in one of the most difficult and advanced lead industries in the world; the science and geophysical advanced technology Aerospace Industry. Our future is creative, constantly challenging, productive, and open for anyone interested in the future of Air Travel and Space. The Company is poised and has the history to support advancing to Space Technology; the dedicated international future direction of the Human Journey in Space to begin Human Habitation.

Finally, the business we chose 45 years ago includes offering advanced problem-solving processing and research activity, on every level of flight support. The gateway to Space.

All interested parties are invited to contact Tower Aerospace direct in a confidential manner.

On behalf of Tower Aerospace Inc.

Sandford McLeod, President

All Photos and Technical Data are Copyright and Proprietary Information  

Contact information here.
Tower Aerospace Inc.
Ste. 26,622 Front St
Nelson BC  Canada V1L4B7
Tel 778-529-2422

Sandford McLeod, President
Judith McLeod, Vic President
Email: tower@toweraerospace.com
Website : www.toweraerospace.com

40 years Canadian Aviation Distributor and Manufacturer, Female / Male Veteran  Partnership

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