Advantages Of Your Workers Staying Close to Your Site

There are definite advantages to having your workforce stay in close proximity to your construction site, especially if they are working a long distance from their home.

This is a scenario that will be all too familiar to many in the construction world, and when you are working out the pros and cons of putting your workers up in lodgings, you should take into account some very important factors.

#1 Refreshed and ready for work

By having your workforce stay close to your construction site, you are ensuring that they will be turning up for work feeling refreshed, well-rested, and ready for work. Construction sites are dangerous places to work and can be made even more so by tired workers who have had a long commute to the site.

Choosing accommodation that is clean, close, and comfortable, such as properties shown on, will provide your workers with the ideal base to rest and recoup for the next day’s work.

#2 Minimise daily commute to site

Having your workers commute from their hometowns or even from the outskirts of cities can add significantly to their costs (and, in some cases, their willingness to work at that site). Of course, it is not just this that you should be thinking of.

In today’s society, there is an awareness of pollution and its effect on the environment. Adding to it by increasing your business’s carbon footprint is not just going to be frowned upon but could mean that your customer base is less than enthused about purchasing your end product.

#3 Have all your workers within easy reach

However, it is not just these reasons why it is convenient for you to have your workers within easy reach. It could also reduce the amount of time that your project takes to complete. This is because any change to the working schedules that you already have in place can be altered and adhered to quickly and easily.

If a task can be brought forward and your worker is not on-site, you will be able to call them in, and they could be on-site within minutes; this, of course, has a knock-on effect on your completion times. Likewise, if you find that there is rework required or fundamental areas of the build have not been completed, you will be able to call in the necessary people and reschedule those who you do not currently require. If you don’t have workers nearby, you could face problems such as cost overrun because the time to complete the project has had to increase unexpectedly.

So, to wrap it all up

There are likely to be many benefits to having your workforce close to hand. However, you must choose the location carefully, as well as the property you rent to house your workforce. Expecting your workers to pay out for pricy commutes will not have them looking forward to coming to work, and increasing your carbon footprint could reduce customer interest in your builds, which could affect your business’s bottom line or at least the speed with which the properties sell.

In addition to this, having your workforce close to hand and happy to work could see you reducing timeframes and either hitting your deadlines or having additional time to spare at the end of your build. All of this can work in your favour, so the next project you have, consider getting your workers closer to the site itself.

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