Boosting sustainable ROI in aquaculture

The global population’s reliance on fish as a dietary staple underscores a cultural and nutritional preference and an economic imperative. As the world leans towards sustainable protein sources, fish emerges as a clear frontrunner. However, as our dependence on aquaculture increases, so does the need for innovation in this sector—particularly in the face of environmental impacts. This is where the significance of rotary valves, a cornerstone in the efficiency of modern aquaculture, comes to the forefront, with DMN-WESTINGHOUSE leading the charge in technological advancements.

Minimising feed degradation

At the heart of DMN-WESTINGHOUSE’s product line is a dedication to minimising feed degradation. Understanding that feed quality is paramount to aquaculture success, DMN-WESTINGHOUSE designs and manufactures the AL and BL series rotary valves to address this crucial need. These valves stand as bastions against the common problem where fish, quite discerningly, refuse degraded feed. The result of their refusal is twofold: slowed growth rates, which delay harvests, and the settling of uneaten pellets, which disrupt aquatic ecosystems.

The AL and BL series valves are engineered to combat feed degradation. With minimal space between the blades and the housing, these valves ensure the pellets are gently handled, maintaining their integrity from the feeder to the fish. This careful handling is enhanced by a well-designed inlet restrictor, ensuring that the feed is not crushed upon entry. This precision engineering safeguards the nutritional value of the feed and, by extension, the health and growth rate of the fish.

AL aquaculture rotary valve

  • High filling efficiency.
  • Sheared angle inlet.
  • Detachable, easy-to-clean versions are available.
  • Customised Aquaculture solutions:
    • An interchangeable rotor with nine blades is in stock worldwide for fast distribution.
    • The choice between fixed vane or changeable blades.
    • Body and end-covers designed to reduce pellet degradation.
    • End covers with outboard bearings, lubricated and sealed for life.

BL-200 Aquaculture rotary valve

  • High filling efficiency.
  • Sheared angle inlet.
  • Minimum air leakage.
  • Detachable, easy-to-clean versions are available.
  • A changeable rotor blade option is available.
  • Customised Aquaculture solutions:
    • Specialised production line for interchangeable aquaculture rotors in Germany.
    • 100% laser-tested quality rotors.
    • An interchangeable rotor with nine blades is in stock worldwide for fast distribution.
    • The choice between fixed vane or changeable blades.
    • Body and end-covers designed to reduce pellet degradation.
    • End covers with outboard bearings, lubricated and sealed for life.

An opportunity for growth

A better-fed fish is the linchpin of profitable aquaculture. When fed high-quality, intact pellets, the fish grow more rapidly and contribute to a more robust yield. Our rotary valves ensure that the nutritional value of the feed is delivered directly to the fish with no loss in quality. It is not just about providing food; it’s about giving health. The AL and BL series rotary valves ensure that each pellet is an opportunity for growth, not waste.

Reducing water pollution

The environmental aspect of aquaculture must be considered. DMN-WESTINGHOUSE recognises that sustainability is a must for contemporary industries. The design of our rotary valves addresses one of aquaculture’s most pressing concerns: water pollution. By ensuring that the fish consume the feed entirely, there is a dramatic reduction in the waste that settles to the bottom. This diminishes the environmental footprint of aquaculture farms by preventing the detrimental eutrophication of water bodies. In this condition, excess nutrients lead to oxygen depletion, affecting the farmed species and entire aquatic ecosystems.

The fact that the rotary valves of DMN-WESTINGHOUSE can handle large volumes of feed, even abrasive types, without significant wear and tear means that operations can continue without the frequent pauses for maintenance that often disrupt production cycles. This, in turn, implies less potential for environmental degradation due to reduced accumulation of waste products.

Dedicated to adding sustainability

DMN-WESTINGHOUSE sells not merely valves; we promise enhanced ROI through our precision-engineered products. Fatty feeds, which are essential for the growth of many fish species, tend to build up in the rotors. Still, the AL and BL series are designed to combat this, reducing the need for maintenance and ensuring that the feeding process is as efficient as possible. Easy cleanability and serviceability are hallmarks of their design, reducing the downtime for cleaning and repairs, thus enhancing profitability.

A trusted name in the industry

The trust in DMN-WESTINGHOUSE is evident—95% of fish barges use our rotary valves, a testament to our reliability and effectiveness. This overwhelming endorsement by the industry is not mere luck; it results from our relentless pursuit of excellence and an unwavering commitment to the aquaculture sector.

In conclusion, DMN-WESTINGHOUSE stands at the intersection of aquaculture’s needs and environmental responsibilities. Through our innovative AL and BL series rotary valves, we foster better-fed fish and minimal feed degradation and contribute significantly to reducing water pollution. DMN-WESTINGHOUSE establishes itself as a supplier and a pivotal player in the aquaculture industry’s sustainable future through these channels.

Discover how you can boost your ROI by working with DMN-WESTINGHOUSE. please get in touch with your local sales office or distributor.

Tel: +44 (0) 1249 818400

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