Dairy products are an important source of vitamin D, calcium, and protein for human beings young and old. The dairy processing industry is an innovative one and will continue to come up with healthy new products for the world to enjoy.
As rules and regulations on hygiene and (food)safety will undoubtedly become tougher in the future, we are providing an extensive range of sanitary rotary valves and diverter valves specially designed to meet the highest dairy manufacturing standards today as well as in the future.
Custom made rotary valves and diverter valves for the dairy industry
The MZC-Dairy, MZC-II, 2/3-TDV are examples of sanitary rotary valves and diverter valves specially designed to meet the high dairy industry standards. See our dairy industry page at dmnwestinghouse.com for more information about our USDA accepted rotary valves and diverter valves.
Call for inquiries +44 1249 818 400 or email us at dmn.uk@dmnwestinghouse.com

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