In need of Penstock Valves? Pollution Containment? Drain Closure Devices? ASOV’s, or ROSOV’s?
Environmental Innovations Ltd is a UK designer and manufacturer of pollution and spill containment systems. Many of our customers seek to comply with the major spill, firewater risk and COMAH regulations. Can we help you?
Innovators of Spill, Firewater, CSO and In-Drain Containment
Environmental Innovations specialises in pollution and firewater valves, engineered to provide a site with a tailored solution to suit. Our products meet the requirements of UK and EU legislations making it mandatory for a site to front up to its environmental responsibilities. We can help you meet these.
Manufactured from stainless steel, the FlapstopperTM is more robust than older bladder style systems. The pollution containment valves can be tailored to bespoke drain measurements, from 100mm up to ‘000’s of mm. The FlapstopperTMcan be activated manually via a push button on the control panel, or remotely using worker operated call points, fire alarm detection equipment, or a range of condition detecting probes, for example, oil interceptor alarms allowing the end user to have total control over their system.
The FlapstopperTM (pictured) pollution containment device will isolate a drain within 5 seconds. It can be powered by a small solar panel, or by mains. The valve can be integrated to any number of probes for automation (i.e. pH), or connected to some of our wireless remote operation devices. Operating on a wide variety of sites, we aim to retro-fit systems with as little impact on your site as possible, meaning no major civils work or site closures.
Risk to Water During Major Spill or Firewater Event
As part of a continuous development programme, a COMAH site in the West Midlands needed to address their potential risk to the local water course during a major spill, or firewater event. Numerous products used to create foam and coverings for the automotive industry have the potential to seriously damage the local wildlife and environment should an incident occur.
To quickly and remotely operate valves which would isolate their surface water drainage network during an event combined with a remote positive closure message. Full testability, along with a secondary closure and open method; in addition, visual recognition of the valve status. No mains power available at the outfalls to be isolated.
A completely solar powered system was developed which included three valves, isolating three different surface water outflows from site, giving the site control over various elements of their production and loading facilities either collectively, or autonomously. This enabled the client to also use the valves for smaller spill events ensuring the customer had maximum efficiency out of the FlapstopperTM system. Once remotely operated, a completely stand-alone positive closure system activates to give the status of each of the valves. EIL also added the automation of the FlapstoppersTM by linking two interceptor alarms to the system, fully integrating the GSM and web interface notification facility. This gave further value added to the system, meaning the client was now also managing their interceptor tanks more efficiently, finding cost savings on empties and services. The entire system is not closed, but can be expanded at any point.
What Else do we do?
Innovators of Flood and Blocked Sewer detection, and mitigation solutions
With flooding and blocked sewer flooding on the rise and affecting an increasing number of people, we have developed a range of solutions for remote monitoring systems, which can be battery, solar or mains operated. With our unique design and positioning in the market place, we provide a product with no moving parts, easy serviceability, and no calibration.
We work with individual properties utilising just one alarm system, through to major water utility companies operating large networks of our systems. Visit our website, or call us to see how Environmental Innovations can provide you with an answer to your flooding, or blocked sewer problems.
Innovators of Wireless and Remote links, sensors and alarms
Our knowledge in the wireless industry makes us a market leader in wireless environmental protection, mitigation, and monitoring techniques. From integrating one of our wireless call-points with the FlapstopperTM system meaning your workers can use the system seamlessly with other health, safety and environmental practices on site, to creating a monitoring network of wireless blocked sewer detection probes, Environmental Innovations can provide specialist solutions to your needs.
Wireless automation of our products puts you in the driving seat increasing the potential ways you can manage your environmental actions on site. Talk to us to solve your site problems.
Innovators of complete Interceptor and Separator Systems, from Tank to Monitoring
Protecting surface water outflows from any potential spill risks, your site probably need, or have an interceptor or separator. Once your needs are assessed , the correct environmental protection equipment can be selected.
We have a vast experience in specifying and installing interceptor, separator and attenuation tanks. Not only this, interceptor alarms are legally needed for new projects, and are best practice for existing tanks. We offer alarms to suit all needs and processes. Should your site be looking to follow these guidelines, or adhere to legislation, contact us to discuss your needs.
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