New Waste Water metering solution from Micronics

Micronics announce the launch of a new Waste Water meter solution to the issue of the challenge of non-return to sewer allowances! The new meter provides a cost effective and reliable solution for measuring the flow in waste water pipes to facilitate billing by metered as opposed to estimated or assumed waste water outflow.

It’s a unique product that can provide accurate waste water metering for utility, industrial, commercial and public sector sites, utilising advanced non-intrusive microwave technology. Two sizes are available for the initial launch: 100mm (4-inch) and 150 mm (6-inch) with other sizes due to be introduced soon. The meter supports an optional R.A.S. (Remote Access Service) logger to provide data via a mobile data network to a comprehensive web dashboard and a pulse output for local connection to BEMs or other automatic metering systems.

A volumetric readout of waste water flow is available via an integral module display. The meter is IP68 rated and is designed for measuring waste water flow in partially full pipes containing clean or dirty water on gravity systems. The unit can be mains or solar powered for real-time data (with RAS) or battery powered if minimal data is required. By measuring the input water supply and then measuring the outflow with the Waste Water meter end-users will be able to see a true reflection of the water used in their particular process by providing a real outflow value and not a calculated one. The meter can also monitor the sewage pipe to detect and alert operators in relation to full, blocked or partially blocked pipes.

For further information on this exciting new product or Micronics other Waste Water metering solutions call Micronics on +44(0)1628 810456

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