A leading petrochemicals company had serious concerns about a badly deteriorated HSC pump. Prior to entering into the costly process of scrapping and replacing with new, it was sent to leading corrosion protection and engineering servicescontractorCorroserve for a free no-obligation ‘Strip & Report’. The subsequent report highlighted the elements of the pump and impeller that required rebuilding, replacing or cleaning and as a result of this report, Corroserve was contracted to proceed with the work.Having stripped the pump casing and impeller they were blast cleaned to identify areas of serious internal pitting and erosion. Once pre-machined, the casing internals and the impeller were coated with Corroglass 600 Series which allowed the damaged areas to be rebuilt.
The refurbished impeller was balance checked to BS6861 – g2.5, the pump casing externals coated with Plasmet ZF and Corrothane AP1 and a new shaft, sleeves and casing rings manufactured. The pump was finally reassembled using new gaskets and packings.
This full pump refurbishment was completed at a fraction of the cost of purchasing a new unit. The life span of the reconditioned pump, which otherwise would have been scrapped, has now been extended by in excess of 10 years.
Pump and impeller coating and refurbishment is a key element of the Corroserve service stream. With its second-to-none engineering, coating and test facilities, the Leeds based company is able to provide a one stop shop for its clients.
Corroserve is a member of the Corrosioneering Group which also includes specialist paints and coatings manufacturer – Corrocoat and research and development division –Corrolabs. Working together, we provide the ultimate ‘one-stop-shop’ for our customers.
Visit Website: www.corroserve.com