QGA – Compact bench-top system for real time gas and vapour analysis
The Hiden QGA quantitative gas analysis system is configured for continuous analysis of gases and vapours at pressures near atmosphere in standard form. Inlet accessories are available to configure the system for sampling from low to high pressures, up to 30bar.
- High purity gas analysis
- Fermentation/bioreactor monitoring
- Fuel cells
- Gas production and storage
- Environmental monitoring
- Gas separation studies
- Near Atmospheric XPS, APXPS
- Multi-gas analysis – up to 32 species
- User configurable analyses
- Real-time analysis
- Mass range 200 amu (300 amu option)
- Dynamic range 0.1 PPM to 100%
- Response time is less than 0.5 seconds
- Graphical/tabular real-time display
- Detection 100% to less than 100 PPB
The Hiden QIC (quartz inert capillary) sampling interface samples from 100mbar to 2 bar gauge and is included as standard. Operating to 200oC, the QIC flexible 2m capillary inlet provides fast response times of less than 300 millisecond for most common gases & vapours, including water & organic vapours. Optimum sample integrity is maintained with sample exposure restricted to just quartz and platinum wetted surfaces.
The QGA system connects to an external dry scroll pump that is included to provide high performance combined sample bypass and UHV foreline pumping.
The QGA system has mass range 200 amu (300 amu option) and with a detection capability from 100% to less than 100 part-per-billion.
Find out more about the QGA Gas Analyser: http://www.hidenanalytical.com/products/for-gas-analysis/qga-a-compact-bench-top-system-for-real-time-gas-and-vapour-analysis/
View our Full Product Range: http://www.hidenanalytical.com/products/for-gas-analysis/qga-a-compact-bench-top-system-for-real-time-gas-and-vapour-analysis/
Send Us an Email: info@hiden.co.uk
About Hiden Analytical:
For 35 years Hiden Analytical has been a global leader in the design and manufacture of scientific instruments for research, development and production applications. Our products address a diverse range of applications – precision gas analysis, plasma diagnostics by direct measurement of plasma ions and ion energies, SIMS probes for UHV surface science, catalysis performance quantification etc. and our quadrupole mass spectrometers have gained worldwide recognition for their precision and outstanding performance.
As a privately owned company our reputation is built on creating close, positive relationships with our clients. Many customers work at the forefront of new technology – in the fields of plasma research, surface science, vacuum processing and gas analysis. To maintain this reputation we have, over the years, established exceptional levels of technical expertise in these areas within our company.
Visit our Website: www.HidenAnalytical.com