Ruggedized Axial-Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor Meets Specs from -40 ° to +150 °C
High-performance device handles up-to 28A RMS continuous ripple current and 20g vibration.
Liberty, SC – March 20, 2017 – Cornell Dubilier Electronics, Inc. (CDE) has introduced a new line of axial-lead aluminium electrolytic capacitors for applications which require very high performance under all operating conditions. The AXLH is a uniquely-designed axial-lead electrolytic that has the performance characteristics required for mission-critical circuitry. Continuous ripple current is rated at up to 28 amps RMS. With a load life rating of 2,000 hours at full-rated voltage and 150 °C, and a shelf life of 10 years, the AXLH will stand the test of time.
Targeted application fields include military, aerospace, off-road vehicles, infrastructure system electronics. Nine values are available, from 470 µF to 4,700 µF, with ratings from 25 Vdc to 63 Vdc. Maximum ESR ranges from 13 to 32 mW at100 kHz.
Where other electrolytics may lose performance under very hot conditions, a hallmark of the AXLH is its ability to handle high ripple current at elevated temperature. Like other CDE capacitors, the AXLH Series is subject to the industry’s most rigorous dynamic testing. Procedures outlined in MIL-STD-202, method 204 are used to record the 20g vibration tests.
AXLH case diameter is a low-profile 20 mm for all values. Depending on values, lengths vary from 26.5 to 42.5 mm. The axial-lead wires are a substantial 1 mm. The devices are RoHS compliant and free of conflict materials.
CDE is dedicated to advancing capacitor technology for new applications. The company combines innovative products with engineering expertise to provide reliable solutions for inverters, wind/solar power, electric vehicles, power supplies, motor drives, HVAC, motors, welding, aerospace, telecom, medical equipment and UPS systems.
A global company, Cornell Dubilier has ISO-9001 certified manufacturing and distribution facilities in Liberty, SC; New Bedford, MA; Mexicali, Mexico; and Hong Kong.
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