Time-Domain NMR Spectrometer for Materials Studies & Process Measurement & Control

Designed by a British company active in the NMR field for decades, this highly compact Mk3 time-domain NMR relaxation spectrometer provides physical information on liquid and solid samples in the lab and in the field, at a very competitive cost.

NMR Relaxation is an extremely useful quantitative technique for material science, particularly for studying polymers and porous materials. The measurement of NMR relaxation amplitudes and decay times enables the measurement of both the mass and qualities which are variously described as mobility, dynamics, stiffness, viscosity or rigidity.

The Graphical User Interface has extensive software for on- and off-line analysis of material and sample data, and built-in modules for process on-line monitoring and control. The signal-to noise is excellent, and digital R.F processing on a Field-Programmable-Gate-Array gives high long-term stability.

This spectrometer is robust, and compact enough for use in the field. It has a 3D printed stainless-steel/bronze case, gold flashed, and weighs just under 1kg. A battery supply module for 1 working day’s use is in current development.

There are now various possible designs of compact fairly lightweight NMR magnets, mostly constructed with multiple magnetic elements, based on Halbach and Mandhalas designs.
Our current design is a coffee-mug sized Manhalas magnet of sufficient homogeneity to enable making time-domain NMR material-science measurements.

Variable Temperature NMR Probe for Materials Studies of Liquids & Solids

To aid sample analysis and nano-pore-size measurements an optional Peltier thermo-electrically cooled variable-temperature probe is available.

Thermo-electric elements precisely control temperature from -35C to +80C, with additional gas-assist available down to -80C. Variable temperature NMR Relaxation is a vital quantitative technique for material science, particularly for studying polymers and porous materials. This enables the measurement of crystalline/amorphous component masses and qualities which are variously described as mobility, dynamics, stiffness, viscosity or rigidity.
The use of electric thermo-electric cooling allows for long-duration measurements material-science and process measurements as a function of temperature at negligible extra running cost.

In addition, pore-size distributions can be measured from sub-nanometer to over 1 micron.

+44 (0) 7805 437 241

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