FIRE SHELTER Comprehensive Fire Protection
For many industrial applications, critical equipment needs to be properly protected against fire. Using a unique and patented double-sandwich construction with glass fiber reinforced polyester and mineral layers, INTERTEC can design custom enclosures, cabinets and walk-in shelters to meet the requirements of international fire resistance standards like EN 13501-2: REI60, REI90, REI120, DIN4102-2: F60, F90, F120, SOLAS: A60, A90, A120, ISO 834, ASTM E119, BS476, UL1709 or ISO 22899.
Typical applications for FIRE SHELTERS include:
- Instrument/analytics enclosures
- Cabinets for critical electronics
- Enclosures for Emergency Shutdown (ESD) equipment
- Larger or manned walk-in shelters
All enclosures and shelters are available in a variaty of custom shapes and sizes. An experienced team of engineers and CAD designers works in close collaboration with the client to match the enclosures to the equipment and fit them in the available space.
Fire standards are established to avoid the spread of fire and to prevent exposure of certain materials to high temperatures. The features of INTERTEC FIRE SHELTERS go above and beyond:
- Extreme thermal insulation can be configured to maintain a predefined interior operating temperature in case of a fire
- Custom light-weight, rigid, maintenance-free construction
- Fitted with wall penetrations for cables, interior access etc.
- Additional properties possible, e.g. blast protection
- Full protection of ESD valves, control tools and instruments
- Suitable for offshore applications
3 layers of glass-fiber reinforced polyester guarantee the integrity of our regular FIRE SHELTER. The insulation between the layered panels limits the temperature the equipment is exposed to.