Industry Experiences Surge in Demand in Combining Safety Valves with Bursting Discs

A global leading company providing fire, explosion and pressure relief solutions is alerting companies to the substantial benefits gained from complimenting Pressure Relief Valves (PRV) with bursting (rupture) discs to further guard and enhance pressure relief systems in the process industries.


Fike UK, based in Kent, has seen a significant rise in demand for the combination of safety valves with bursting discs as companies grasp the value and importance of this solution. These include leak tight fugitive emission controls, an enhanced performance of safety systems, easier PRV inspection procedures and the significant cost savings that can be gained from installation.


Keith Avila, General Manager of Fike said; “We understand how invaluable process systems are across numerous industries and we work hard to provide the most effective solutions that eliminate the risk of potential disasters. We are seeing a real surge in demand from customers as they realise the significant monetary and safety benefits that can be achieved by combining bursting discs with pressure relief valves.”


For Fike – and as industry best practice – it is seen as imperative that process systems are installed with pressure relief valves in order to prevent pressures exceeding the Max Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP). Without the protection of a pressure relief device there is real potential for serious injury, mechanical/equipment damage, loss of product and production time as well as physical damage that can occur due to over pressurisation of a process system.


The benefits of combining bursting discs either in series or parallel with pressure relief valves, according to Fike are many. In series use the valve can be protected from a potentially corrosive or polymerising media which could attack the valve and prevent it from operating; it also means that valves can be manufactured from less exotic materials if kept from day-to-day contact with such media.


In parallel use where over pressurisation occurs and the relief valve cannot effectively reduce the pressure – potentially  due to malfunction, blockage or excessive generation of pressures – a bursting disc will allow the pressure to continue to rise until it reaches the set pressure on the disc. Upon reaching this, the bursting disc is activated and pressure released. Ultimately, the bursting disc acts as a back-up, providing an additional relief path for the overpressure. As such, offering the safest and most cost-effective solution to protect a process system, should an overpressure situation occur.


Keith said: “Maintaining a process system to operate at its full potential is costly and our customers are noticing the difference in having the additional bursting disc for protection, not only in terms of cost but also in terms of increased productivity and reduced downtime.”


Compliant with global code regulations, Fike’s range of pressure relief products are designed to meet or exceed industry requirements in terms of bursting disc performance, reliability and quality. Trained specialists at Fike are able to offer expert advice on the most effective solutions to enable companies to obtain the highest safety standards, lower costs to help achieve higher profitability whilst always ensuring a smoother production process.


Fike is a globally recognised company with almost 70 years’ experience in supplying products and services to protect people and critical assets from fire, explosion and over-pressurisation.


A leader in the industry, Fike has unprecedented expertise with a team of in-house engineers, application specialists and combustion researchers working to companies within the food and drink, power, pharmaceutical/chemical and woodwork industries. Fike manufacture a diverse array of products ranging from bursting discs and explosion protection systems to fire suppression systems, fire alarm panels and oil and gas products.


For More Information Contact:

Katherine Rowell


0844 8002686 | 07931171876


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