ISO 17025 Calibration Services
Accredited calibrations for pressure, electrical, flow and air velocity instruments via UKAS Laboratory 0604, offering reliable, quick turnaround and affordable sensor calibration for process & control instruments. Many of the calibrations are also available as onsite services, both traceable and ISO 17025 accredited. Bespoke services are available for thermal uniformity surveys of for ovens, freezers and autoclaves. Further extensions to our UKAS accreditation schedule are in process to extend our scope of calibration services soon. The accredited flow rigs and wind tunnels continue to offer world leading measurement uncertainty for UKAS air velocity calibrations on pitot, thermal, vane, cup, omni-spherical and ultrasonic anemometers across 0.05 to 80 m/s and for air and fluid flowmeters.
Tel: 01273 455572
Address: Young Calibration Ltd, 5 Cecil Pashley Way, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, BN43 5FF