New process flowmeter selection pack helps engineers choose the best instrument
New information pack from ABB helps users to make the right choice of flowmeter for improved process efficiency
A new information pack is now available from ABB to help simplify the selection of flowmeters for process applications. Featuring a White Paper, application guide, webinar presentation and video, the pack explains the key differences between volumetric and mass flow methods and how to choose the right method for industrial process applications.
Understanding how to correctly select the right flow variable can lead to significant improvements in process performance and cost effectiveness. Though both technologies will deliver almost identical results under certain conditions, the deviations that can occur where a process is subject to pressure and temperature changes makes it crucial to make the right choice from the outset.
Originally produced for the launch of ABB’s latest generation of CoriolisMaster flowmeters, the information pack explains the fundamentals of mass and volume flow and which technique is best suited for particular types of applications.
Titled Mass or volume? A weight off the bottom-line, the White Paper covers coriolis, thermal and multivariable DP mass flowmeter technologies, explaining how each one works and their respective advantages and drawbacks. The paper highlights why it can be better to measure mass or volume flow directly, rather than expressing mass flow measurements in volumetric units, in order to eliminate possible errors caused when factoring in standard or normalised conditions for temperature and pressure.
These differences are further explained in the Understanding mass flow video. The video shows why volume flow is not enough if you want to know the exact amount of a substance moving through a pipeline and how measuring mass flow can provide qualitative and quantitative data which volume simply cannot.
The application guide, A new generation of mass flowmeters, explains the importance of capacity, accuracy and physical size when choosing a flowmeter and how each criteria can be met by opting for a coriolis flowmeter. The guide also looks specifically at key applications in the oil, gas and petrochem industries where coriolis flowmeters can be used to enable accurate control and measurement of gas and liquid flows.
Information on other potential applications where Coriolis flowmeters can be used is contained in the webinar presentation by David Bowers, Mass Flow Specialist at ABB. The presentation covers various topics such as the unique way Coriolis flowmeters work through to why mass flow is the most useful and accurate form of flow measurement. David also covers a range of case studies demonstrating how coriolis flowmeters can be applied to a range of applications, from truck filling and blending whiskey through to use in the lubrication of aluminium rolls.
The information pack is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to optimise the efficiency and accuracy of their process flow measurements. To obtain a copy, please call 0870 600 6122 or email ref. ‘Coriolis information pack’.