Ultrasonic cleaning for best results
Ultrasound is used widely throughout industry for removing problem contamination from all kinds of hard surfaces. Its unique properties can be harnessed to clean items of all shapes, sizes and technical complexity, penetrating holes and cavities that are impossible to reach using ordinary cleaning methods.
Hilsonic is an leading international supplier of ultrasonic cleaning equipment for a variety of uses throughout industry. The company’s systems are suitable for a variety of purposes within these areas, including the cleaning valves, pipework, plastic crates and components, indeed whatever you have may well lend itself to ultrasonic cleaning, potentially saving your company time and money indeed many companies get a financial pay back within weeks on cleaning expensive filters more often the pay back is a matter of months. Hilsonic systems can also be used to clean engine parts such as pistons, cylinder heads and engine blocks.
Hilsonic’s industrial ultrasonic cleaning tanks deliver the best cleaning results, with no compromise on quality or reliability. They are available in up to 50 distinct variations as standard with an endless number of custom built variations, built to fulfil industries demanding requirements. The company offers full support including accessories, chemicals, service contracts and full training packages. Its range of popular sizes comprises:• IST2000 – with bath dimensions of 500×500×300mm, this is the most compact tank in the range, an ideal portable system for cleaning small engine parts and filters.
• IST3000 – with bath dimensions of 1×1×1m, this mid-range system is ideal for general workshop use. • IST4000 – with bath dimensions of 2×1×1.5m, this system is designed for larger components such as heat exchangers, intercoolers and major engine components. • IST5000 – with bath dimensions of 3×2×2m, the largest standard system in the range, the IST5000 is built to accommodate the biggest coolers and heat exchangers. All systems have Hilsonic’s unique generator technology, which features a predetermined frequency sweep and twin-tandem transducers capable of driving up to 2m in height, and full cavitation, crucial for cleaning larger components. Hilsonic systems are manufactured using the highest quality materials, with 316L stainless steel tanks as standard, and heavy-duty stainless-steel frameworks for maximum weight distribution and performance. Also standard through the range is the under liquid jetting system, which improves the cleaning performance and maintains chemical integrity for longer. With other unique design features, this makes the IST range of systems a durable solution to heavyduty cleaning applications, providing many years of cleaning performance, backed by a two-year warranty.
Custom-built ultrasonic cleaning tanks Hilsonic also manufactures custombuilt ultrasonic cleaning tanks of all shapes and sizes. From 1L to 15,000L capacities, and with a huge range of frequencies, densities and power ratings, these customised models will always deliver the best cleaning results, with no compromise on quality or reliability. For more complex industrial cleaning processes, Hilsonic will consult fully with the customer to develop the right system. Bench-top ultrasonic cleaning tanks For small-scale workshop cleaning problems, Hilsonic’s bench-top ultrasonic cleaning tanks are the ideal solution. Its Performance bench-top models are constructed in 316L stainless steel and are designed for longlasting durability, while the Budget bench-top ultrasonic cleaning tanks offer good cleaning performance at a reasonable price, without cutting corners in terms of ultrasonic power. Whether a standard or bespoke system is required, Hilsonic works closely with the customer at all stages in order to develop a system to suit their purpose.