Evaporative cooling option
Evaporative cooling is a low energy alternative to refrigeration, which runs on less than 10% of the energy!! It uses the natural process of evaporation to cool air as part of a ventilation system rather than compressors or refrigerants. Its low capital and operating cost make it an attractive solution for a variety of environments including manufacturing, industrial, commercial & data centres.
Innovations developed initially for the IT sector and now transferred to industrial and commercial clients, include new internal product ranges, energy saving fans, filtration and advanced control systems, which can save up to 90% on cooling costs!
EcoCooling can create bespoke control systems which address the needs of individual clients, and can if required be supported remotely from our UK based premises.
Benefits of EcoCooling systems include:
- Targeted comfort cooling of zones or areas where required, particularly good for mezzanine floors or production lines.
- Products can be simply fitted as pre-coolers to existing air handlers.
- Supply air temperature under 25ᴼC guaranteed all year round in the UK (MHRA compliant conditions).
- Water controls coupled with pre-filtration minimise maintenance to once every 6 months
- Minimum disruption during installation.
- Simple operation and maintenance