Advantage Equipment
Advantage Equipment has been at the forefront of providing solutions for customers who wish to measure, coil or unwind material including cable, steel wire, rope, plastic welding material, etc. We start at the bottom end with simple hand held and bench mounted measuring devices to small, medium and large coiling and unrolling machines.
We serve in the main the electrical industry in the UK but have branched out into steel wire rope suppliers and specialty products. In addition to supplying equipment we maintain, service and check calibration of our products and that of other manufacturers.
Measuring a material may sound simple but there is a great deal to take into consideration. For example:
How flexible is the material?
What is the material made of and how slippery is the surface?
How delicate is the surface, does it need a special rollers as not to damage the surface or indeed the printing thereon?
The coiling of material also throws up its own challenges:
What are the minimum and maximum diameters of the material to be coiled?
What is the weight, where applicable, of the donor drum the material is being wound from?
What is the minimum bending radius?
Minimum diameter is very important as there are few measuring devices on the market that can cope with anything much less than 4mm
So as mentioned earlier provide solutions to customers’ problems and supply the correct product from stock or we modify it in order to suit. We manufacture a small range of coiling and measuring machines of which many are customised to customer requirements. We also the approved partner to Loimex of Spain who manufacture many of the products we sell. They, like us are only too pleased to discuss customisation to ensure what is supplied does the job.
Our engineers have been trained by many of our suppliers to maintain and repair the products concerned, and in many of the coiling measuring machines we carry out calibration checks and issue a certificate that confirms that the machine in question is within the manufactures tolerances.
Apart from the measuring and coiling we are also engineers who service and maintain a wide range of machines, not necessarily our own manufacture. We are experienced in both electrical and mechanical engineering and where necessary source spare parts from around the world for our customers. Where parts are not readily available we also use UK fabricators to make and machine quality parts.
So if you have a requirement for either measuring or coiling give us call and we will endeavour to come up with a solution.
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