Cliff USB FeedThrough Connectors in stock at JPR Electronics
Specialist distributor JPR Electronics is now stocking the very successful USB FeedThrough connector range manufactured by Cliff Electronics. USB 3.0A to USB 3A, USB3.0 B to USB 3.0A, USB 2.0B to USB 2.0A and USB 2.0A to USB 2.0A versions are available from stock and provide true FeedThrough data connection for developing custom I/O configurations for rack panels, wall plates and control boxes.
The FeedThrough connectors fit into an industry standard 24mm XLR connector cut-out simplifying panel design and manufacture and use common cabling for front and rear. No soldering or punch terminations are required; simply use a standard cable for the selected connector style, simplifying and speeding up assembly times. Cliff’s FT range features a low rear profile to minimise space required and may be front or rear mounted.
The Cliff FT connector range available from JPR Electronics allows designers to integrate audio, video, digital, optical, networking and data feeds into professional equipment for broadcast, lighting, audio/broadcast, instrumentation and industrial applications.
Paul Raynor, Director of JPR Electronics, comments; “FeedThrough connectors offer system designers, VARs, Integrators and Panel Builders a simple, flexible and elegant connection system. They are very simple to mount, connect and reconfigure. Further versions of FeedThrough connectors will be added to our product range over the next few months.”
For more information call +44 (0)1582 47 00 00 or visit