Make safety top of mind with custom lockout procedures & highly visible shadowboards
Let experienced Brady engineers write and implement custom Lockout/Tagout procedures for more maintenance safety. Consider highly visible shadowboards to further reduce maintenance risks and accidents. Read the Case study from e-commerce warehouse, check out Brady’s complete offer for Lockout/Tagout & subscribe to the free Lockout/Tagout webinar!
Top lockout procedures written for you by experienced professionals
Brady engineers have created thousands of lockout procedures for hundreds of companies in various industries. Get them to write and implement your best-in-class, company-approved, custom Lockout/Tagout safety procedures as well. Why you should consider Brady’s Lockout/Tagout procedure services?
- Best practice, custom: experienced Brady engineers visit your facilities to create illustrated Lockout/Tagout procedures for your machines
- Easy to follow: procedures enable step-by-step completion with limited training, and are linked to machine and energy control point labels in the workplace
- Easily approve, edit, scale and share: work seamlessly across sites and countries with the LINK360 procedure management software. Print up-to-date Lockout/Tagout procedures locally or share digitally with smartphones and tablets.
Custom Lockout shadowboards: Efficient, top of mind safety in the workplace
Make safety top of mind in the workplace and optimise Lockout/Tagout efficiency with highly visible, custom lockout shadowboards. Shadowboards increase the impact of Lockout/Tagout and help to further reduce maintenance risks and accidents. Why custom shadowboards?
- increase efficiency by organising relevant lockout procedures, padlocks, devices, tags and accessories on shadowboards
- keep safety and Lockout/Tagout top of mind in the workplace with highly visible shadowboards
- maintain efficiency by promoting the return of tools to the board with tool shadows
Interested in the custom shadowboard approach? Get a custom shadowboard layout for free!
Read the case study from a large e-commerce organisation’s warehouses, where they already use highly visible custom shadowboards to optimise Lockout/Tagout efficiency and to keep safety top of mind in the workplace.
Case study: E-commerce warehouse has increased Lockout/Tagout visibility & efficiency with shadowboards
A large e-commerce organization wanted to improve maintenance safety by facilitating the use of Lockout/Tagout and by creating visibility on ongoing maintenance projects that require Lockout/Tagout in their warehouses.
Solution: Customisable master shadowboard
Brady proposed a custom master shadowboard to create the desired visibility for ongoing lockout maintenance. The master shadowboard was installed as a pilot in one of our customer’s major warehouses.
Shadowboards make Lockout/Tagout considerably more efficient, by clearly showing employees and contractors which tools they need to retrieve, and where they need to store them after servicing a machine. After a trial period, the master shadowboard was finetuned and presented as a starting point to our customer’s other warehouses. Brady customised the master version to accommodate sitespecific needs when required.
Each shadowboard is 1.4 metres high and consists of 90 cm wide panels. The board has rounded corners, and was made out of 8 mm thick white plexiglass. These large boards, that can span one or several panels, include ‘shadows’ of every Lockout/Tagout padlock, device and accessory used in a specific workplace area. All corresponding Lockout/Tagout tools are added to the board. Shadowboards make it very easy and efficient for employees to retrieve the tools they need, and to bring them back after servicing a machine. They also very visible in the workplace and serve as a constant reminder to keep safety top of mind.
Results: Efficient and highly visible Lockout/Tagout
The large e-commerce company’s warehouse employees now have Lockout/ Tagout solutions within reach to protect themselves during machine interventions. The Lockout/Tagout padlocks, decives and accessories, as well as the tags, are presented on large, highly visible shadowboards that make it easy and fast to retrieve the right tools to protect their safety.
Enable safer machine interventions
Everywhere you want to go with your Lockout/Tagout programme, Brady can guide and support you. Our complete Lockout/Tagout solution includes innovative padlocks with elaborate key planning, dedicated lockout devices, practical software and great services including energy control point identification and best in class procedure writing.
So, where do you want to take your lockout programme? Make your choice >>
Brady Corporation
Banbury, Oxon OX16 3JU
Tel: +44 (0) 1295 228 288