Micronics – Insight Waste Engineering Solutions – Application Note
Micronics Portable Flowmeter used to troubleshoot problems in chemical waste
A Micronics PFD550 flowmeter is used by a Staffordshire-based Process Engineering Consultancy to troubleshoot heating and cooling problems in chemical waste where there is a high solid content. Kophyo Win, the proprietor of Insight Waste Engineering Solutions wanted to compare a portable Doppler Flowmeter with a magnetic inline flowmeter to give him confidence that it worked with high solid content waste. He initially searched the internet for a good quality flowmeter and considered that the Micronics unit offered the best value for money and technical support so he decided to hire one. He was so pleased and impressed with its performance, in particular, the speed with which the PFD550 can be set up, that he subsequently purchased one outright at the end of last year.
The rugged, waterproof PFD550 is used to monitor and balance flow, or, as in this case to troubleshoot flow problems in full pipes. It can be used as a check meter to evaluate performance of in-line flow meters and can be installed, calibrated and started-up in minutes. It’s ideal for projects where a permanent flowmeter is not required or to provide a temporary replacement for permanent or fixed flow transmitters. And it’s very simple to set-up and operate, essential attributes for a portable instrument. The ultrasonic sensor is clamped on the outside of a pipe and an acoustic pulse is reflected back to the sensor from particles or gases in the flowing liquid. The flow rate of any fluid can be measured as long as it contains air bubbles or solids. It is ideal for wastewater, slurries, sludge and most chemicals, acids, caustics and lubrication fluids.
Kophyo Win is delighted with his discovery. “I have come to rely on the PFD550 and have used it for several projects including for Augean PLC, a major player in hazardous waste treatment, whose head office is in Wetherby but who operate nationwide.”
For further information on this project or the Micronics range call Micronics on +44(0)1628 810456, or visit www.micronicsflowmeters.com.