More from EEMUA for Industrial Engineering Specialists…
Practical industrial engineering good practice developed ‘by industry, for industry’ and shared for ready access, immediate use and throughout careers, anywhere – as much as can be used, whenever it is needed. All delivered via guidance publications, training, webinars, seminars and other EEMUA resources.
For Mechanical Integrity Specialists…
EEMUA 231 training covering containment of hazardous substances
In-depth training on combating loss of primary containment to Practitioner-level on the next Mechanical Integrity Practitioner Certificate (MIPC®) blended learning course for five-year certification and CPD. Short induction from July to adapt coursework to each Learner’s site/s in preparation for learning starting in September.
Awareness-level Mechanical Integrity course live online in English (25-26 May) offering CPD-approved training for those responsible day-to day for mechanical integrity of plant and equipment
Find more information on each of these and more Mechanical Integrity courses here.
For Storage Tank Specialists…
EEMUA 159 training across multiple levels of responsibility
TankAssessor courses, live online and classroom based, for five-year certification in German (4-8 April), English (25-29 April), Dutch (13-17 June) and French (3-7 October).
Five- year certification from the next TankInspector course live online in English (16-19 May).
TankIntro course live online in English (26-28 September).
Find more information on each of these and more specialist Storage Tank courses here.
Focused Events for Engineering Specialists…
time efficient events from April, with many more thereafter
Leak detection and emission reduction – quantification for industrial sites – Webinar live online (5 April – 15:00-16:00 UK time; 16:00-17:00 Amsterdam; 09:00-10:00 Houston) – free and open for all industry
Mechanical Integrity Seminar – face-to-face near Birmingham, UK 12 April – 09:50-16:15 UK time. Covering: temporary repairs; corrosion under pipe supports; dead legs; wind turbine (degradation and inspection); Integrity Operating Windows; third-party work; and more. With opportunities for supporters to exhibit and address attendees.
Find more information on each of these and other specialist events by EEMUA here.
Guidance Materials for Engineering Specialists…
practical ‘how to’ guidance ready to download immediately or order in print
More than 200 specialist engineering handbooks, information sheets, regulatory briefings and in-depth guides covering: Automation, Control, Electrical; Engineering, Procurement, Construction; Equipment Operation and Maintenance; Inspection and Integrity Management; and Storage and Distribution.
EEMUA has numerous other resources for industrial engineering from Alarm Systems to Subsea Materials, Storage Tanks to Pressure Systems, Energy Transitions to Ageing Electrical and Cyber Security, and more, and welcomes new corporate Members and Associates, so please to discuss how to make EEMUA’s many resources work best for you and your team.
Join EEMUA and gain access to everything you need to help you improve on safety, efficiency, regulatory compliance, and your bottom line from anywhere in the world
EEMUA 227: Guidance to help electrical engineers in managing ageing electrical assets
Michal Halama
The Engineering Equipment & Materials Users Association (EEMUA)
Tel: +44 (0)7920 281 459