Polybend And Low Temperature Metal Alloys
Tube, section and wave guide bending. Where tubing of all sections and diameters, sizes etc., are formed to given diameters or radii depending on the industrial user, it is essential that the cross section of the material is not distorted or wrinkled in any way.
There are many tube bending industries, amongst which are:
1 … Architectural frame work makers. This includes all metal work which is bent to provide enclosures, stair rails, works of art etc., etc.,
2 …Motor manufacture and motor sport. This will include racing enthusiasts such as all the formula, car restorers and veteran cars. Also any frame work attached to cars such as radiator protectors and roll bars for safety on 4 wheel drive vehicles, motor boats etc.,
3 … Aerospace Industries.Mainly used for bending all tubing associated with hydraulic control systems, aviation spirit etc., Polybend is useful in this instance, where it is necessary to have completely clean tubes to prevent any metal deposits being transferred throught hydraulic/avgas systems.
4 …Brass instrument and cycle frame manufacturers.Production of precise tube bends for all brass instruments, cornets, trumpets, trombones etc., so that the section diameter is preserved throughout the bend. This is of course required when producing bicycle frames for normal bikes and the specialist cycles, tandems etc., that are produced.
Notes: Where there is no importance associated with finished product and welding is not a problem then the metal alloys can be used. However, in tubes where it is highly desirable to have a perfectly clean section, then Polybend is a must. It is an eco product which is water soluble, and biodegradable. There other industries, not mentioned above which will use these materials such as hospitals, the food industry, beer/spirit brewing to name a few. For more information on any low temperature alloys and Polybend please visit www.bendalloy.co.uk or tel: 01484-656111
Repairs And Restorations Snippets From The Endorsement Page From The Website
Uppermost in photo after restoring from severe displacement and out-of-roundness the area often elongates and bends downward (as shown). The Polybend was inserted to prevent collapsing and preserve bore dimension when re-aligned and positioned for assembly. Lower in photo assumes correct position upon completion. The bending was accomplished by hand.
This is an Olds Brand, Super Deluxe Cornet approximately 60 yrs. old:
The arrow to bracket indicates a knuckle that was severely dented, out of round, and misaligned-bent downward. After dent restoration and rounding of the area was complete we inserted a solid steel rod matching the interior dimension of valve casing corresponding, to act as a stop and plug. Then filled the knuckle with Polybend in order to bend it upward and re-position it correctly. The polybend kept the bore dimension and shape of the knuckle throughout the process.
Trumpet bell near rim damaged/dented: form is made of Polybend on a true/undamaged portion of the area, then damaged/distorted area is tapped with form in place and iron below to restore.
SL Engineering is a manufacturing company which supplies very high quality pipe work and fittings to the aerospace industries, including Rolls Royce and Airbus. Most parts are produced from stainless steel but we also bend exotic materials such as inconel and titanium alloys. We was having difficulty in ovality on a new part which was in development, it was using 7.9375mm dia x 0.51mm wall (7/16” x 24 SWG) stainless steel tube which incorporated a light bend radius of 12.7 clr (1.6D), the maximum bend angle we had to achieve was approximately 95 degs. The problem was the part required a ball mandrel which was not available for this small size, so we had to use a spoon mandrel which was not providing sufficient internal support. The part was collapsing and puckering on the inside rad even with the use of a spoon mandrel and wiper die. After filling with the new Polybend compound and allowing it to cool we bent a few trial parts and I was very impressed with the ovality of the bend which was within 5% ovality with no signs of puckering on the inside rad.
www.bendalloy.co.uk or tel: 01484-656111