T Cards Direct – Use of Maintenance and Health & Safety planning boards

Use of Maintenance and Health & Safety planning boards at Tarmac Aggregate sites throughout the UK are having a major impact, enabling staff to keep on top of urgent and non urgent repairs, improving both plant operational efficiency and helping to reduce safety incidents.  At the Greenwich site in South East London, it s expected that within the first 12 months of use financial gains of around £114,00 will be made, achieved through less downtime and improved performance.

To simplify the task of alerting site supervisors of any plant safety issue or machinery mal-function and as part of Tarmac’s Continuous Improvement Programme T Cards Direct boards have been introduced.  The successful implementation of the card system coincides with a change in site structure, whereby each Tarmac Aggregates site is divided into a number of zones, with a single ‘spokesperson’ being appointed for each zone.

This person is responsible for flagging up any safety/maintenance issue, prioritising these as to impact on plant operation.  This is achieved by completing a T Cards incident card and placing it in the appropriate column on the Maintenance Defect boards.

“Since we have been using the T Cards Direct board system we can see easily the level of work to be undertaken, this has very much simplified our approach to planning remedial action”, says John Curtis, site supervisors at Tarmac Greenwich.  “Another big advantage of the card system is that incidents can be reported at any time, even during the night shift in readiness for the supervisor’s daily meeting the next morning.”

The simplicity of using the T Cards Direct boards makes recording problems and potential problems far easy than previously, its safer than jotting notes on ’that piece of paper’ and above all it gives an ‘at-a-glance’ indication of maintenance issue status.

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Web Address: www.tcardsdirect.com

Contact Number: 01732 871 417

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