Moticont is a manufacturer of linear DC and AC Motors
Background and Experience
Moticont is a manufacturer of linear DC and AC Motors. The company’s product line includes linear DC motors, voice coil motors, three phase brushless motors and positioning stages. All products are available for immediate worldwide shipment.
Linear DC Motors, Voice Coil Motors (VCM) or Voice Coil Actuators (VCA) are the simplest type of electric motors. These motors consist of two separate parts; the magnetic housing and the coil.
Voice coil motors are brushless and do not utilize commutation. Their structural stability can support high positioning resolutions presented by external position sensors and motion controllers.
The non-commutated motor construction increases reliability. The direct coupling of the motor to the load allows for fast acceleration / deceleration and high speed operation.
Very high speeds and accelerations can be easily achieved.
This type of motor may be used in conjunction with a position sensor and a motion controller for accurate positioning.
Served Industries
Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Surgical Equipment, Aerospace, Ophthalmic Equipment, Medical Instruments, Electronic Assembly Manufacturing, Robotics, Dental Equipment, Laser Equipment, Biological Systems. Metrology, Tactical Aerial Imaging, Micro Technology, Solar Power Panel, Orthopedic Industry, Medical Industry, Thermal Cameras, Materials Research, Touch Screen Manufacturing, Inspection and Non-Destructive Testers, Hard Disk Test Equipment, Hyper-Spectral Imaging, Communications Equipment, Consumer products, Implantable Medical Devices, Medical Diagnostic Devices, Electro-optic Systems, Vision Systems, Therapeutic Medical Systems, Manufacturer of Mini and Micro UAV Systems, Surface Mount Technology equipment, Displays for Portable Devices, Cosmetics, Test Equipment.
Global Delivery
We serve global customers on a worldwide base. A truly global Company, we are committed to maintaining and developing our international sales and supporting a diverse client base. This comes through our wish to ensure all orders are dispatched and delivered across the world with the shortest delivery time, in most cases within 1 to 5 days.
Off-the-shelf or Custom
Moticont has an extensive family of standard products in variety of styles offering various functions ready to be shipped immediately from stock.
Where standard products are not quite right for your application, a competent staff of highly trained design engineers is always available to develop custom motion control products to be manufactured to any size or configuration. They also work with the customers’ design staff to complete or augment any design already in process.
Moticont is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, USA. The proximity of Moticont to both the major airport and seaport facilities of Southern California makes service to international customers very expedient without any freight forwarding or time consuming difficulties.
Contact Information
Joseph Hank
6901 Woodley Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: Toll Free (US & Canada) (888) 785-1804
Phone: (818) 785-1800
Fax: (818) 785-5713
ISO 9001:2015 Certified