New: IGA-003-MC Binary Gas Sorption Analyzer
Hiden Isochema announces the release of the IGA-003-MC, for the fast and accurate determination of binary gas sorption isotherms. The IGA-003-MC is a turnkey system, featuring a gravimetric analyzer, coupled mass spectrometer, and an optimized gas delivery and sampling system. The IGA-003-MC uses the recently developed Integral Mass Balance (IMB) method, which represents a major advance in sorption analysis techniques.
Binary Gas Sorption
Measuring multicomponent gas sorption equilibria is essential to characterize and assess adsorbents for a range of applications. Both the partial adsorbed gas quantities, and the gas adsorption selectivities at a range of gas compositions, are required to accurately model these separation and purification processes. Traditional methods are often time consuming and require large samples, but fast and accurate measurements, using only a few grams of material, are now possible using Hiden Isochema’s unique IGA-003-MC binary gas sorption analyzer.
- Unique IMB method used to measure binary gas adsorption isotherms
- Single component and binary data can be determined in one experiment
- Only a few grams of sample required
- Precise control of pressure, composition and temperature conditions