Create – Connect – Share: new opportunities for cutting food products

The FAM Stumabo UK Open Week took place from the 4-8 November 2013 for the third consecutive year running.  The purpose of our Open Week is to raise awareness of the opportunities it creates in advising and updating customers both current and new. Participation in regards to machine testing was encouraged and was free and open to everyone who attended. 

We welcomed a mixture of companies; active in key areas such has vegetable, salad, cheese and meat processing.  Demonstrations were conducted throughout the week on a variety of FAM machines including the FAM Lifis®, FAM ILC.2 and FAM Mantis.2®.  Our traded partner Stein Solutions who represent Tomra and Best laser sorters, offered optical inspection demonstrations for nuts, dried fruits, seeds, frozen fruit & vegetables.  Efficiently removing foreign bodies & discolorations based on structure, colour, shape or fluorescence differences.  Our sister company Stumabo International who is a market leader in precision blades for the food processing industry.  Demonstrated a range of cutting blades that are commonly found on FAM® machinery but additionally can be easily found on a variety of other makes.  Stumabo® sells year on year more than 1 million blades for use on industrial food processing equipment. This makes Stumabo the leading supplier in Europe and one of the largest players in the world as far as industrial precision blades are concerned.

????????????????????????What does “Open Week” provide?

CONNECT – Allows us to communicate directly and with confidence with those in the know!

CREATE – Allows us to discuss resources, mix them together in new ways, adding new perspectives, before sharing them back into the market place!

SHARE – Tell all about our discoveries and new opportunities available right now!

Want to keep the spirit of our Open House going year round? 

Then contact us directly to use our test kitchen, evaluating any FAM machine or Stumabo cutting blade.

Open Week 2014

The dates for next year’s event will be 4-7 November 2014.


10737FAM Stumabo UK Ltd are a key partner provider with dedicated business areas:

  • Industrial food cutting machines
  • Precision blades
  • Service – Total Care Program

For 33 years, we provide local sales and service support throughout the UK and Ireland.  In this way we are able to offer a quick response to our customer needs with our experienced, factory trained sales and service engineers. We also offer on-site test facilities FAM-Lab allowing us to work closely with our customers both current and new.

FAM Stumabo UK Ltd, FAM nv and Stumabo International nv are all part of the Hifferman-group.

 Telephone +32 3 450 92 20, Fax +32 3 450 92 50, Mail

Please contact Marc De Peuter, Marketing Manager (


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