Category: PECM1115

Man And Machine CAD Training Academy

Our goal is to help you optimise your design process. Whether you are in the architecture, plant or construction industries, we have the experience to understand your business and what...

8,000 Laser Gas Analysers Installed

Quantitech, a leading instrumentation distributor and service provider, has announced the launch of a new range of process gas analysers based on tuneable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). “Whilst these...

Kd420 Modbus Sensor Interface

The KD420 HIGH SPEED MODBUS / 4-20MA INTERFACE from KK Systems allows any 4-20mA or voltage output sensor to appear as a Modbus RTU slave on an RS485 multidrop bus....

New Lighting Rental Scheme Aids Cash Flow

Using LED lighting with the latest in lighting management systems, it is now relatively easy to achieve 50% to 80% energy savings on most projects with these energy savings paying...